22 August 2023
Digital Health

Brief report of Members' Conference on "European Health Data Space: What will it mean in practice?"

The Members’ conference was dedicated to the discussion of impact of the proposal on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) on medical practice.
Download the report

Dr Tomislav Sokol, rapporteur of the EHDS in the European Parliament, was the keynote speaker and engaged in questions & answers with members. MEP Sokol shared his views on the amendments he proposed to the legislative proposal, the impact on doctors and medical practices, commenting on medical liability and on the state of play of negotiations.

Members' conference panel

The panel discussion followed, moderated by the CPME Working Group Chair on Digital Health, Dr. Alexander Jäkel. The focus was on the primary use of health data, meaning the access and use of electronic health data for diagnosis and treatment. The panel was composed of representatives from the French and Portuguese Ministries, Ms Isabelle Zablit-Schmitz, Europe & International Director for Digital Health, and Dr Cátia Pinto, Global Digital Health and International Affairs Unit Coordinator, respectively, who shed some light on how the electronic health record system is being developed and connected at EU level in their respective countries.

The panel included a presentation by Mr Hylke Kingma, partner digital health at KPMG in the Netherlands, which focused on the cost analysis of the EHDS; a  presentation by Dr Camilla Noelle Rathcke, President of the Danish Medical Association, who focused on the electronic health record (EHR) model in Denmark and the training required to operate the system; and a presentation by Dr Marios Karaiskakis, Head of the Cyprus Medical Association Delegation, explaining the steps the country was taking to digitalise the healthcare sector.

 The presentations and full report are available on the CPME event page (members only).

The videos presented during the conference:

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