Vaccination & Health Security

CPME Rapporteurs: Dr Jacques DE HALLER (CH) & Dr Kitty Mohan (UK)
CPME Secretariat: Mr Markus KUJAWA

Tackling health threats requires good preparedness and coordinated cross-border action. In the event of a possible pandemic, clear and evidence-based information is vital. Rising threats can be prevented through the implementation of focused programmes, as in the case of childhood vaccinations.

Vaccination is a safe and efficient public health measure to protect individuals and populations from vaccine-preventable communicable diseases. CPME is co-chairing the Coalition for Vaccination which brings together European associations of healthcare professionals.

Featured Policies

Feb 2023 CPME 2023/017 FINAL
Feedback on the European Commission proposal on vaccine-preventable cancers
CPME supports the aim to introduce or strengthen the implementation of HPV and HBV vaccination programmes to boost cancer prevention as part of national immunisation programmes.
Jan 2021 CPME 2021/055 FINAL
CPME Policy on Vaccination
CPME affirms that vaccination is a safe and efficient way of protecting individuals and populations from vaccine-preventable communicable diseases. The role of medical doctors is central in encouraging individuals to be vaccinated.
Apr 2013 CPME 2013/035 FINAL
CPME Policy on Childhood Immunisation
The CPME policy highlights medical practice and training, communication and outreach, as well as governance and cooperation.

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