European Doctors deeply concerned by delay of the EU pharmaceutical reform

The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) has written to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to express concern about the latest delay of the much-anticipated publication of the revised pharmaceutical legislation.
Ensuring equitable access to medicines for all patients across Europe is a crucial aspect of this legislation. It is unacceptable for the proposal on such critical legislation to be delayed without any explanation.
The lack of justification for the delay raises questions about the transparency and accountability of the process. European doctors are concerned that industry influence may result in significant last-minute amendments to the proposal, risking that patients will not be at the centre of this legislative package. It is particularly worrisome that private interests may be given priority over democratic debate in the European Parliament and the Council, especially when vital measures for the well-being of all European citizens are at stake.
We urgently call for the publication to be put and maintained on the agenda of the next meeting of the college of Commissioners in April.
“Patients and doctors cannot wait any longer for this revision. The European institutions must be serious about the responsibility they have for delivering a new framework for medicines. We are genuinely concerned about the behind the scenes commercial influence that jeopardises a fair and balanced proposal that prioritises patients.”
"We call on the European Commission to allow the much needed democratic process to start as soon as possible."
Our position on the revised pharmaceutical legislation is available here.