Joint Action Xt-EHR (2023-2026)

The Joint Action Xt-EHR - Extended EHR@EU Data Space for Primary Use is coordinated by the National eHealth Authority – NeHA (Cyprus) and represents a coordinated effort between 50 partners from 29 counties.

It will develop the foundations for improving the primary use of electronic health data and the eletronic health record, as envisaged in the European Health Data Space Regulation. The work will focus on creating implementation guides for future implementing acts with impact on various domains such as ePrescription, eDispensation, patient summary, discharge notes, laboratory reports and medical imaging results. Furthermore, it will develop a compliance framework and technical specifications for assessing the quality of mobile wellness applications, the interoperability of electronic health records, health data spaces and other health software.​​​​​​

The Xt-EHR action is co-funded by the EU, under the EU4Health Program 2021-2027.

It is composed of 9 Work Packages:

  • WP1 - Project managment and coordination

  • WP2 - Dissemination

  • WP3 - Evaluation

  • WP4 - Sustainability and cross-border interoperability

  • WP5 - General requirements for EHRs and systme interfaces

  • WP6 - Eletronic prescriptions and patient summaty towards EHDS

  • WP7 - New services for EHR systems towards EHDS

  • WP8 - Certification and labelling framework

  • WP9 - Telemedicine under MyHealth@EU in alignment with EHDS proposal

CPME participates as a member of the Joint Action Xt-EHR WP3 Consensus Panel. The purpose of the consensus panel is to ensure the validation, adequacy, and quality of the chosen Joint Action KPIs, and on other activities proposed by WP3.

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